Thursday, May 28, 2020

Visual Argument Essay Topics - How To Use Images And The Written Word Together

<h1>Visual Argument Essay Topics - How To Use Images And The Written Word Together</h1><p>What are probably the most well known visual contention paper subjects? What's more, would you be able to make an article that utilizes the intensity of pictures and the composed word together to genuinely mix the imagination?</p><p></p><p>An very well known visual paper subject is the one that utilizes a mention, analogy or outline. In any case, this kind of exposition isn't tied in with introducing your thoughts in a totally new light; it is simply about associating a progression of pictures to make an association that may be unpretentious or evident to an eyewitness. For instance, on the off chance that a short story has been expounded on mutts and individuals, at that point utilizing a mention can bring out different associations, for example, 'canine and individuals have an association.' Visual paper subjects can likewise be utilized to feature norm al perspectives among individuals and dogs.</p><p></p><p>Another reason that visual exposition themes are so famous is that they appear to have the option to connect with a watcher on a few distinct levels on the double. From an outer point of view, one will see likenesses among individuals and creatures in the article subject. From an inward point of view, an individual can relate the two, consequently furnishing the peruser with a more important encounter than simply perusing a book or viewing a movie.</p><p></p><p>A little-known reality about visual article subjects is that an individual can really utilize these sorts of expositions to reinforce their contentions in different pieces of their papers. For instance, in the event that a contention is made that creatures are more smart than people, at that point utilizing a contention article with a decent visual subject can fortify that conclusion.</p><p></p><p>S omething else to remember when utilizing visual paper themes is that they ought to be short yet provocative and intriguing. Be that as it may, they ought to likewise be locks in. A paper with an amusing picture or a funny relationship would be better than an extensive article with a dull, unsurprising topic.</p><p></p><p>A individual composing an exposition for school can utilize their visual exposition subject to build up the 'craft' of oral introduction. At the point when an understudy is attempting to impart their thoughts, they will in general go over their notes a few times or falter. By putting their content on a canvas, the understudy can peruse the exposition and rapidly figure out how to improve their relational abilities by holding their contemplations, delays and expressions.</p><p></p><p>One last motivation behind why visual article subjects are so famous is that they give an extraordinary method to connect with and spellbi nd a group of people. An article that is loaded up with references and representations will draw the eyes of the peruser. At that point when the individual starts to peruse, they will see the visual intrigue of the exposition and this will incite them to proceed reading.</p><p></p><p>An contention article is a useful asset when utilized effectively and effectively, and visual paper subjects can give a solid snare that connects with perusers while permitting them to comprehend your perspective. It can likewise assist understudies with improving their own relational abilities by growing better visual aptitudes. Simply make certain to set up your exposition appropriately by choosing a suitable visual paper point and to consistently compose concisely.</p>

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Environmental Issues Essay Samples Can Help You Improve Your Proficiency

<h1>Environmental Issues Essay Samples Can Help You Improve Your Proficiency</h1><p>Environmental issues have become increasingly pertinent nowadays as social orders become progressively mindful about the dangers of an unnatural weather change and the negative impacts of nature on the human development. This paper talks about natural issues in a progressively key manner with the goal that understudies are increasingly intrigued to become familiar with the issues and how they can successfully comprehend them.</p><p></p><p>Environmental issues can be arranged into three significant classifications to be specific biological, efficient and social issues. The biological class includes investigations of the world's condition including nature, creature life, plants, climate designs, climatic conditions, environmental change, vegetation and desert the executives. The financial class includes improvement issues identified with the economy, for example , asset, condition, oil creation, monetary development, national economy, showcase economy, and enterprises. The social classification manages different social issues, for example, contamination, war, catastrophic events, monetary imbalance, and war.</p><p></p><p>In a nutshell, the investigations of ecological issues can furnish you with a totally different point of view on how the world functions and how to viably unravel them. Every one of these themes can give you bits of knowledge into the difficulties we face today.</p><p></p><p>The aftereffects of the investigation of ecological issues can empower you to turn into a specialist on the subject. A couple of years back, the state of the earth in numerous pieces of the world was poor as well as it was additionally ineffectively overseen; in this manner, the requirement for ecological specialists to help in the improvement of the regular assets is very obvious.</p><p></p ><p>But the job of naturalists is something other than information, since they can truly change the course of ecological issues. Consequently, numerous individuals feel that lone the administration or foundations can do much for the earth, however this isn't correct. You may believe that, as an understudy, you can't in any way, shape or form have any kind of effect, however you are wrong!</p><p></p><p>Environmental issues have just influenced our lives contrarily, for example, they cause contamination and decrease the regular environment of numerous creatures, plants and bugs. Not just this, numerous individuals currently believe that some ecological issues are dangers to our wellbeing and hence require administrative help with request to control it, for example worldwide warming.</p><p></p><p>So, on the off chance that you need to turn into a natural master, the best thing you can do is to get some natural issues article test s, study them, and afterward transform them into your very own work. Best of all, you can utilize the expositions to address inquiries in your classes, give introductions at courses and meetings, and give workshops for individuals.</p>

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay Topics - Help For the Crucible Essay Topics

Paper Topics - Help For the Crucible Essay TopicsThe cauldron exposition subjects are difficult to choose. Much the same as some other regions, there are some acceptable and some terrible. On the off chance that you realize what are the characteristics you are searching for, it will be simpler for you to choose a proper point for your school exposition. Here are a portion of the things that you ought to consider.What scholastic subjects would you say you are keen on? This is presumably the most significant thing that you need to consider. You have to pick subjects that have significance for you. It will be better on the off chance that you can show that you know in any event one subject. There are a few instances of subjects that have importance for students.Even on the off chance that you are not yet an alumni understudy, you can in any case get ready for school level expositions. There are individuals who are setting off for college, or understudies who previously moved on from sec ondary school, who need their educators to set them up to take school level tests. As an update, the most ideal approach to plan for school level expositions is to rehearse them over once more. This will assist you with improving your article composing skills.The next thing that you have to do is to compose a diagram for your paper. Begin composing it on the day that you are wanting to give your theme to your instructor. It is significant that you give a blueprint since this will assist you with arranging out your theme. You may likewise utilize the blueprint as a guide when you are composing your essay.There are a few diverse paper subjects for each evaluation level. In the event that you are new to school level papers, it is best that you pick the points that are proper for your evaluation level. It will help you when you are composing your theme. It is consistently a smart thought to pick subjects that are recognizable to you.Once you are finished with the diagram, you can begin to compose your point. Ensure that you comprehend what to expound on. This is on the grounds that, a considerable lot of the points depend on realities that you know. As an update, you can likewise peruse from the layout, yet don't utilize the data that you learned in your framework. You may likewise peruse from the example school exposition for the themes that you are not comfortable with.When you are composing your points for school level papers, you have to consider the words that you are going to utilize. You have to realize that it isn't permitted to copy anything from the Internet. On the off chance that you discovered data from an article on the web, you have to rework it correctly.If you need assistance for the subjects for your school level expositions, you may contact an educator for help. You may likewise mind the web for tests and test papers. On the off chance that you need to improve your composing aptitudes, at that point you might need to think about these themes for your paper.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay Topics for Weather

<h1>Essay Topics for Weather</h1><p>Although these points can show up in a wide range of structures, you will locate that the absolute most mainstream subjects are climate, motion pictures, music, and TV. On the off chance that you are considering what to expound on in a school article, a climate exposition point might be exactly what you need. Actually, you can expect that these points will be highlighted in generally the entirety of your school assignments. Here are a few hints on composing a one of a kind exposition about the climate that you may use to get ready for secondary school respects activities or secondary school praises exams.</p><p></p><p>First, figure out what sort of topic you will expound on. For instance, in the event that you are composing a science article, you would not have any desire to concentrate exclusively on climate. Then again, on the off chance that you are composing a history exposition, you should incorporate something about the climate. After you choose what theme to expound on, you should begin by looking into and gathering data about climate designs in the nation and around the world.</p><p></p><p>The second step in social event data about climate article points is to compose an exposition about each subject. You should list your purposes behind composing the paper. This may incorporate the climate or the motion pictures, however could likewise be about music, and TV appears, or your preferred games group. As you compose your paper, you should ensure that your contentions don't repudiate each other.</p><p></p><p>The third step is to choose how you will sort out your exposition. A few people tragically put their exposition together in the request that they might want it to be introduced in. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you incorporate films, music, and TV, you have to consider composing the article from the point of view of t he individual understanding it. It is essential to give them the perfect measure of data so they will see how you feel about the topic.</p><p></p><p>The last advance is to move as far as possible of your paper and start your decision. This is the place you should start to talk about why you feel as you do about the climate. This could incorporate your assessment of the climate or the kind of climate you are feeling.</p><p></p><p>As you keep on composing your paper, you might be enticed to hurry through the parts. Be that as it may, recollect that you are composing for secondary school understudies. For whatever length of time that you keep on writing in a convenient way, you ought to have the option to keep your crowd intrigued and needing to peruse on.</p><p></p><p>Weather exposition subjects will probably be shrouded in each secondary school English class you join in. It is significant that you remember to cov er these subjects in such a case that you do, you will be giving the peruser an inappropriate data. Ensure that you appreciate composing your paper and that you ensure that you incorporate the entirety of the realities and data that you need.</p>

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Manageable Managerial Accounting Research Paper Topics

<h1>Manageable Managerial Accounting Research Paper Topics</h1><p>Managing and adjusting the books is one of the most significant and complex parts of maintaining a business. At the point when a business has issues and has needed to lay off representatives, it is just common that they will start to search for approaches to reduce expenses and improve their monetary circumstance. One territory that can be analyzed and examined as a major aspect of this procedure is the administrative bookkeeping research paper topics.</p><p></p><p>One of the most significant parts of administrative bookkeeping research paper subjects is the kinds of spending plans that have been utilized. For instance, there are four kinds of organizations. These incorporate open organizations, privately owned businesses, associations, and non-benefits. Open organizations are organizations that record for a specific sort of partnership; consequently, they should be separated a s follows:</p><p></p><p>While an open organization is a benefit that has certain highlights, they likewise have certain dangers that accompany them. Along these lines, they should be represented in incredible detail and this is the place the most supervisors will turn out badly. The sort of bookkeeper they use for their administrative bookkeeping research paper subjects ought to be exceptionally clear about this.</p><p></p><p>It is additionally critical to comprehend the contrasts between fiscal summaries and duty reports. A budget summary is the real records of advantages and liabilities that an organization has close by. An expense report is a structure that plots what burdens the organization has not paid. In spite of the fact that the previous is generally used to see how an organization is getting along monetarily, the last is utilized for charge purposes.</p><p></p><p>A organization's legitimate structure ought to likewise be talked about in incredible detail. A freely recorded organization has one of two types of structure. One is an effectively exchanged organization and the other is a corporation.</p><p></p><p>One of the most significant components that influence how an organization will toll monetarily is its stock worth. A chief can utilize the stock an incentive as an estimation of how the organization is getting along monetarily. This ought to be the focal point of an administrative bookkeeping research paper topic.</p><p></p><p>Lastly, the organization's exhibition ought to be estimated through its overall revenues. Net revenues are a worth that is determined through the estimation of the offer of items and administrations. The higher the net revenue, the better the benefits of the company.</p><p></p><p>There are such a significant number of administrative bookkeeping research paper themes that an adminis trator can use to assemble a report for their association. Be that as it may, a great director will look to discover a few different ways to make the procedure as effortless as could be expected under the circumstances. Comprehending what the various types of organization structures are and how they identify with administrative bookkeeping research paper points can assist you with assembling an extraordinary report.</p>

Monday, May 18, 2020

Animal Testing Must Be Stopped - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1874 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Cruelty To Animals Essay Did you like this example? Each year, millions of animals are used to test how safe and effective products, such as cosmetics, cleaning products, and every day use products are. They are force-fed harmful chemicals, scalded, blinded, and maimed. Animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, unnecessary, inaccurate, and expensive. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Animal Testing Must Be Stopped" essay for you Create order Approximately 17 million animals are used for testing each year in the United States. Substances are injected into the animal, chemicals are force-fed, irritants are rubbed into the eyes and many of the animals lose their lives once the torturing is over. They are tortured to the point of death. At this very moment millions of animals are being tortured for our convenience in laboratories. In the laboratories theyre experimented on and live in constant pain and fear, a cycle that must be stopped. Animals in laboratories live stressful lives of being deprived daily and imprisoned due to animal testing. The only changes in their lives may come from new research and new tests being introduced into their bodies. They are experimented on every second of their life. Every year in the U.S alone over 30 million animals are used in medical, drug, and cosmetic experiments. This includes dogs, ferrets, rabbits, sheep, monkeys, pigs, cats, chimpanzees, and more. The majority of animals experimented upon are mice and rats. Animals are subjected to all types of experimenting. Each experiment has no remorse shown, procedures include things such as infecting animals with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, burning their skin, implanting electrodes into the brain, maiming, blinding, and other painful procedures (DAAEG). These procedures are harming and invasive, leading to many animals dying from the stress and abnormality of the procedures. Many animals go into shock from not being able to handle the process. Many times when they are introduced to these experiments they suffer and are even isolated from others to be picked upon more. This is a barbarian act in modern-day society, where much less invasive procedures exist. Some animals go days without seeing the light of the sun and are withheld of food and water due to unending testing. They spend their lives being tortured and living in cages, drugged out and unable to choose otherwise. When it comes to more toxic testing, animals are tested on the daily, all seven days of the week, sometimes they are tested for up to two years with no recovery periods in between. Many animals die before the end of the study, if they survive some are left with no limbs, sights, and many other basic functions that they might as well should have died. The pain and misery animals are put through is unjustified, especially since the experiments they are subject to are proven to be unnecessary and pointless. Animals feel pain in many of the same ways that humans do, they even cry and scream the way we do when we are in pain and agony. All of this endless torturing because of our selfish nature. We as humans can put a stop to animal testing for good especially if it deemed unnecessary. According to the FDA, they do not require animal testing before approving a product. The FDC Act does not specifically require the use of animals in testing cosmetics for safety, nor does the act subject cosmetics to FDA premarket approval (FDC Act). It is cruel to continue animal testing especially if it is not required. There are multiple cruelty free brands that have opted this alt ernative to not testing on animals. They are some of the most successful brands today, with adversely no harsh effects on humans. Buying the brands that support alternatives rather than animal testing could give us a leap into a future with cruelty free products. Another reason animal testing should be banned is because it is a waste of money. There is no point in waste us wasting our money on something you know has a slim chance of working in the end. Unfortunately, that it what happens when we test on animals. According to a new report by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, taxpayers have spent over $150 million funding 95 experiments related to the effects of recreational drug use on animals, purportedly to gain insights into how such drugs affect human behavior and health (Washington Times). It is a massive waste of money that can be spent on many other things. They could even use that money to find ways to develop more non-animal testing methods which usually are more reliable and cost less money. Most of the tests on animals often fail at mimicking human diseases and most make a poor way of predicting what will really happen to humans and how the human body will respond. Most alternatives to animal testing have been proven more successf ul and reliable than experimenting on harmless animals. Using human tissues in toxicity testing is more accurate than animal models that are normally used. Non-animal tests have also been proven faster and more environmentally friendly. Do not let animal testing be a waste of time, money, and the lives of millions of animals annually, especially if there are alternatives. These alternatives to animal testing include sophisticated tests using human cells and tissues (also known as in vitro methods), advanced computer-modeling techniques (often referred to as in silico models), and studies with human volunteers. These and other non-animal methods are not hindered by species differences that make applying animal test results to humans difficult or impossible, and they usually take less time and money to complete. ( This new experimentation also has a better success rate than animal testing ever has. The technology is so advanced that it can replicate how it would be in actual human anatomy. These alternatives, give us a bang for our buck and guaranteed results. There is nothing better than actual replicas of what you will be using a product on. Animals are not humans. Animals and humans differ in many ways, especially in regard to anatomy, physiology and metabolism. Which is why animal testing is such a great controversy. Animal testing cannot predict how a human will react to the same drug an animal was given. We simply just do not know if it will work or not, regardless of how much studies are done. A study conducted by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer came to the conclusion that one would be better off tossing a coin than relying on animal experiments to answer the question of carcinogenic substances. Only 5 25% of the substances harmful to humans also have adverse effects on the experimental animals. Tossing a coin delivers better results (D.A.A.E.G). There is an endless amount of medicine that has worked solely off of animal experiments but caused severe or even lethal effects in humans. There have been many drugs tested on animals that simply did not work on humans. Thousands of the millions of animals that are tested on die every year fo r products that have no outcome in the end. It is selfish to not think of how many animal lives are lost in the studies that have been proved harmful to humans once we have used them. A big contribution to this is because most human diseases do not occur in animals by nature, meaning that any human like disease and symptom is stimulated into animals. For example, in order to induce Parkinsonrs disease, monkeys, rats, or mice are injected with a neurotoxin that destroy brain cells. Cancer is induced in by mice means of genetic engineering or injecting cancer cells. Cerebral strokes are caused in mice by inserting a thread into a cerebral artery. Diabetes in rats is caused by injecting a toxin that destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Heart attacks are stimulated in dogs by constricting a coronary artery with a noose (D.A.A.E.G). These procedures are extensive, invasive, and expensive. There is a rare chance that these experiments could work, making it a waste of money. There is no point in continually wasting tax payer dollars on unnatural animal testing when we have alternatives that actually replicate human anatomy. More could also be found if we spent less money on animal testing and more money on creating alternatives to ineffective animal testing. In a 2004 study from the U.S Food and Drug Administration found that 92 percent of drugs entering clinical trials following animal testing fail to be approved. Of those that were approved, half are withdrawn or relabeled due to severe or lethal adverse effects not detected during animal tests. ( These studies show and give us the numbers of why animal testing has not been helpful. Much of the medicine that has been tested on animals has cured diseases in animals but have gone on to have deadly effects on humans. There simply are too many variables in difference of gene expression and immune functioning between animals and humans. There is extensive research that has been done that proves to us time after time that shows how wasteful animal testing is, according to Health and Human Services Secretary, Mike Leavitt, nine out of ten experimental drugs fail in clinical studies because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and anim al studies. ( Even in animals that share a large portion of genetic similarities there is failure. In 2011, the National Institute of Health concluded that there was no need for chimpanzees in biomedical research, going on to say that they have rendered chimpanzees largely nonessential as research subjects ( If humans and chimpanzees share 96 percent of their genes and is not useful for human research, no other specie will further aid our experiments. It is illogical to think that any other animal would be effective in research if a humanrs closest relative is deemed unnecessary. Animal testing is proven time after time to be unhelpful. There is no point in continuing the torture of millions of animals after endless research has shown the unreliability of animal testing. In modern day society, many alternatives exist. A newly developed technology created by professor James Hickman, at the University of Central Florida, mimics standard human muscular function which allows researchers to monitor muscular function and its response to different treatments without using human or animal subjects. Bioengineering PhD student Alan Faulkner-Jones began pioneering the use of 3-D printing to replace medical animal testing ( Forward-thinking scientists have developed humane, modern, and effective non-animal research methods, including human-based microdosing, in vitro technology, human-patient simulators, and sophisticated computer modeling, that are cheaper, faster, and more accurate than animal tests. ( In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates the rights of because millions of animals. It causes unnecessary pain and suffering to experiment on animals of our own greed. We as humans cannot justify making our lives better at the extent of hurting animals through torture and execution of thousands of animals each year because of experimentation. Animals should also be treated with the same dignity we demand for ourselves. Through the advance of technology there have been multiple alternatives to end animal testing that are cheaper and more effective than torturing innocent animals. Put an end to animal testing today.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Research Papers on 3D Printing

<h1>Research Papers on 3D Printing</h1><p>In request to concentrate in a degree program, it is essential to realize the procedures utilized for inquiring about and setting up the necessary research papers on 3D printing. Such materials will empower you to expert the exams.</p><p></p><p>To get the best grades, you need to get ready elegantly composed research papers. The school will request that you present a paper with a similar subject in a brief timeframe. You will be required to expound in detail on the investigations and about your encounters with the equivalent. It is important to finish the materials rapidly so you can pass the fundamental exams.</p><p></p><p>Normally, a solitary round of meetings are additionally sorted out for each examination paper. You have to go to a gathering lobby in the wake of getting a duplicate of the papers so you can give them the reports. They can check the total substance of the re port and point out any errors that have been made in it.</p><p></p><p>To set up the exploration papers, you have to remember two needs. Right off the bat, you should ensure that you have total data about the subjects. The investigation material must be efficient with the goal that it can give the same.</p><p></p><p>After this, you have to discover who is the departmental head and the inspector. They will direct you about the significant things with the goal that you can get ready well in the papers. They can likewise assist you with finding the correct inquiries that will assist you with prevailing in the examinations.</p><p></p><p>Another thing that you have to accomplish for explore papers on 3D printing is to compose yourself well. There are bunches of cutoff times and you should be sorted out with the goal that you can comply with these time constraints and finish the given papers on time.</p><p> </p><p>It is imperative to have more thoughts and investigate new things for your examination papers. With more thoughts and examines, you will have the option to fulfill time constraints and finish the gave paper by the cutoff time. In this manner, ensure that you pay special mind to any valuable assets for setting up your papers.</p>

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Writeplacer - Write Placers

<h1>Writeplacer - Write Placers</h1><p>You might be thinking about what writeplacer is. On the off chance that you don't have a clue what it is, at that point you are in karma in light of the fact that here is some data for you.</p><p></p><p>Writing on the PC or the telephone is turning out to be so natural nowadays that many individuals who have involvement with the business as of now are attempting to add a bonus to make it all the additionally engaging. This is the point at which they need to bring to you an engaging strategy to record things and keeping in touch with them down on their phones and afterward sparing them in the writeplacer documents. They need you to have the option to take a gander at it later and read the things you composed down.</p><p></p><p>The writeplacer resembles a phone journal. A writeplacer for the PC would look particularly like a telephone journal. It is essentially what you would check whether you had a PC with a program. It would have the standard sort of data that you would discover on a customary PC book.</p><p></p><p>The best part about a writeplacer is that you can have full customization of the word handling highlights, much the same as you can with a PC book. You could even have the same number of sections or pages as you wanted.</p><p></p><p>Writing on the PC that composes the writeplacer documents for you is somewhat similar to having your own right hand in a hurry. They can record your considerations and you would just need to include your words to them on the computer.</p><p></p><p>They could even be more imaginative than you would might suspect. They could record any sort of encounters you have had in your life. They could add statements to your life that would make you grin and would bring some new vitality into your writing.</p><p></p><p>You could really b e composing from any place you are, however the most advantageous would be on your PC. All you would need to do is plug the writeplacer record onto your PC. It is a basic procedure and any individual who doesn't have a PC would not see how to do it.</p><p></p><p>In quintessence, they resemble books with connections, however you would have the perfect measure of extra room. You would just need to enter the data that you need to remember for the pages. They would have the option to hold all the information that you had composed and recorded in your computer.</p>

Saturday, May 9, 2020

How Do You Find a Custom Essay Writing Service?

<h1>How Do You Find a Custom Essay Writing Service?</h1><p>Custom paper composing administrations are progressively well known nowadays. It appears that everybody nowadays can find a new line of work with a little charge, yet on the off chance that you need to realize what's truly going on, at that point read on.</p><p></p><p>There is a popularity for an independent essayist today. As the economy wavers and organizations lay off laborers, they are finding that there are less employments accessible. Along these lines, individuals have a great deal of influence with regards to landing independent assignments. One thing to note is that a great many people searching for business need a specific measure of involvement with request to get the job.</p><p></p><p>Essay composing administrations are developing in prevalence since they offer their customers the chance to not just have a thought regarding how to compose an exposit ion yet to likewise begin on it right away. These administrations will give help composing an exposition and offer recommendations to help with laying out and altering the paper.</p><p></p><p>Most individuals who are searching for custom article composing administrations would prefer to do it without anyone else's help at that point recruit a specialist to finish the undertaking. In the event that you need to compose an article and you need a fast turnaround time, consider employing an expert to do it for you.</p><p></p><p>Because the economy is so terrible nowadays, numerous individuals are scrambling to look for some kind of employment so as to endure. That implies they are hoping to enlist individuals who can give them an increasingly solid and quicker turnaround time for a job.</p><p></p><p>It is constantly savvy to look at your neighborhood paper's online activity load up, or check online occupation posting s, for example, Craigslist, Careers from Home and different other places of work. Search for independent employment postings, just as daily agenda postings. The higher up you go on the rundown, the more probable you are to get a decent paying job.</p><p></p><p>Make sure that you look at the online place of work and the real posting for the position you need. Make certain to check and twofold check all the capabilities to ensure that you are being offered the best compensation for the job.</p>

Business Introduction Sample Essay

Business Introduction Sample EssayBefore writing a business introduction you need to create an introduction sample essay that will let the reader know what you are talking about. This is not just another cookie cutter introduction, but you need to be able to show them why they should read your opening. You also need to show how you will make money with your new invention you made in your own company.This is a business introduction, but the most important thing is to relate it to your business idea and know what your business idea is about. Even if you have an idea, be sure to show how it relates to your business idea. You need to answer the reader's question so they can read your entire introduction on your business and see what your invention can do for them.First, build a relationship with your business idea by showing why it is going to make money. Show how the technology works and how you can sell it. This can be done with two methods. You can show how this is going to make money , or you can show how this will benefit people in general. Either way you will create a sense of why this is so important to your company.Once you know your business idea, you need to focus on making money with this idea. Why would anyone want to use your invention? Show why you are different and how your invention can change their life. The introduction sample should always be based on the benefits of your invention or your business.Another thing you need to know is how you can create an introduction sample for creating an invention you made for your business. What makes this introduction sample different from any other introduction sample is how you will show how your invention works for your business. Show what the technology can do for people in general and how you can use itto make money. This is also an opportunity to show how your invention will benefit other people as well. This will make your business introduction stands out from all the others and help you sell your produc t.Give yourself plenty of time to think about your previous business idea and how to relate your invention to it. As you create your introduction sample for creating an invention you made for your business, think about how you can make your business idea work for your invention. When you can show the reader how your invention makes them better off, you will have already sold them on why they should take the risk of using your invention in their lives.Business introduction samples are an essential part of your creation essay. The reader will find this part of your essay very helpful when they are deciding whether or not to use your invention. Take your time with the writing and show your ideas clearly. If you make sure to address the reader's questions then you will show them why you need to work hard to make your invention a success.You have always dreamed of having an invention that will change their life. Learn how to create an introduction sample for creating an invention you mad e for your business so they can see exactly what it is you are talking about. Also, you will be able to sell your invention by showing how it can benefit them in general.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Research Paper Topics For World Religion

Research Paper Topics For World ReligionBy using research paper topics for world religion, you will find that you have a guide in planning your papers for the tests. And having a research paper topics for world religion helps you to be more focused on what you need to learn. In this day and age, a person who is seeking to earn his degree from a school may need to choose a religion to take in his studies.So it is important that you choose the research paper topics for world religion that is on the preference of the student that he or she is trying to enroll in the university. You can start by choosing the religion that the student prefers. Some students like to study the Islamic religion while others prefer studying Jewish religion. The best part is that there are many other options that you can choose from.So to help you choose the research paper topics for world religion, you need to know the main principles that influence religion. The first thing that is needed to be understood is that every religion does not believe in one God. There are various Gods and each God has different names.Therefore, the importance of religion lies in the way of following the religion. This means that the person has to respect and follow the religion that he or she has chosen. There are a lot of rules in religion. Many people tend to follow the rules of the religion in a well structured manner.Many other things are also included in the religion such as worship, prayer, clothing, family structure, etc. All these aspects are used to influence the overall philosophy of the religion. If you study these aspects and what they mean, you will come to know that you have a good base of understanding when you plan your research paper topics for world religion.Thesecond most important research paper topics for world religion is that the focus should be on the beliefs that are being practiced in the religion. The religious beliefs and practices are used as a reference point that will help you to understand the beliefs that are being practiced in the religion. For example, there are some people who consider it important to meet up on a particular day to pray and get together to discuss the things happening in the community. Some people believe that a dead body is given to the God of that religion.By understanding the main concepts of the religion, you will be able to gain an insight on how it operates. Once you understand the system of the religion and the basic concepts behind it, you will also be able to find out how the religion will function if that religion's rules are followed. With this knowledge, you will be able to plan your research paper topics for world religion correctly.And lastly, you need to understand the relationship between the religion and its followers. You need to study the various levels of the religion. These levels include the high level, the middle level, and the low level. Understanding these levels will give you an insight on how the religion w ill work and how it will interact with the followers.

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Fulbright Essay Samples Research That Only a Few People Know Exist

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Fulbright Essay Samples Research That Only a Few People Know Exist Ruthless Fulbright Essay Samples Research Strategies Exploited The entrepreneur plans to set a sole proprietorship enterprise. He chose to manufacture that product because of the love for the product and because of the great demand from consumers for that product. He acquired the business idea when the entrepreneur visited a well known restaurant. It's given as a typical school assignment and an important part in an examination collection. Starting off with a substantial occurrence, discovery, or study will provide you with more points in factual research also. Yet teachers still awarded grades despite the shortage of evidence in their opinion. Simply take a rest before finalizing it. The Chronicles of Fulbright Essay Samples Research You're going to be surrounded by writing professionals throughout the plan of order placement, and after you opt to purchase essay and select an allocated writer, things are likely to get even more exciting. In fact, a seasoned writer can do the job much faster than any student as they've been writing academic assignments during their entire life. Additionally, in regards to audience, for persuasive essay, the author demands an intended audience to deal with his request or will need to. Build a connection by means of your writing. Essay writing is normally practiced is schools. It is a hard process in essay writing when you don't have a structure to follow. Our writers can create articles, blog posts, ebooks, social networking posts, white papers and any other sort of written content you will need to be successful in content advertising. Moreover, our English-speaking writers make sure every order has original content and an appropriate structure. Life After Fulbright Essay Samples Research The national Fulbright screening committee is going to be composed of a wide variety of people from other academic and professional backgrounds. Click the one that you like to look at the most. Can't be utilized in conjunction with other promotional codes. Another type of evidence that's often utilized as an alternate to actual facts or statistics is the anecdote. You're advised to answer the subsequent question honest, truthful and within this questionnaire you aren't required to compose your name. To put it simply, the overview of findings is the information that's researched dependent on the aims. Factual evidence may also be in the shape of non-numerical details. The very first room, through the door, is the most important portion of the restaurant. Nobody is supposed to take a person's life since they didn't give life. After the mother's or child's life is in danger. Living is not only about breathing in and out. Top Fulbright Essay Samples Research Choices The only solution is for a relative or relative to take some time off to take care of the elderly. The most important point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of sorts of argument-building techniques you may use to back u p your points. When you submit the recommendation, you won't have accessibility to edit or change it. Cancelation Form The objective of this form to cancel the whole cable support. Adoption is an alternate solution. This study, then, will provide greater implications for the majority of the area. Practice tests are the best method to receive ready. It is possible to also use the available on-line applications to practice your math abilities. GED Online permits you to prepare for the GED test by utilizing online classes and practice tests. With this implementation of uniforms, students don't need to be concerned about attempting to outshine different students in dressing. Modern-day students are utilised to look for all of the essential data in Internet. The Basic Facts of Fulbright Essay Samples Research There are lots of totally free essays available there, especially in the event the topic, they are supposed to discuss, isn't utterly specific. Also for people who support abortion 1. To compose an impressive short essay, especially during an examination, you should be in a position to hit the question and give a straightforward answer while at the identical time observing the correct structure of an essay. A decent descriptive essay comes out of a knowledgeable and imaginative mind. The secret to writing an excellent effectiveA essay is to get the passion to write it. Look over your topic from various angles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

TIG Welding Essay example - 1469 Words

Welding is a process used to join metal parts by producing a coalescence, called a weld, at a joint. Advances in welding technology have opened the way for innovative designs in structures and machinery. Of modern welding processes, the greatest number fall under the general classifications of arc welding, gas welding and cutting, resistance welding, and brazing. Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding is one of the arc welding methods. This method is suitable for many kinds of metals, but especially for welding of stainless steels, aluminum and magnesium. In stainless steel industry, TIG welding has an important role on joining thin sheets, tubes and pipes. Depending on this important role, the mechanical behaviours of TIG welded joints†¦show more content†¦An inert shielding gas is used in the process at no applied pressure. Argon is most commonly used as the shielding gas, and the process may be employed with or without the addition of filler metal. Helium, carbon dioxide and hydrogen (mixed with argon) are other main examples of shielding gases for TIG welding. TIG is widely used for thinner sections. Its extremely suited to join thin sheets, tubes and making root pass welding in pipes, since the heat input in this process is minimal. Advantages of TIG Welding include its versatility, low equipment costs, control, and weld quality. It is widely used for the welding of light gauge stainless steel and aluminum and root passes in pipe butt joints. The TIG process can easily be set up as an automated process. Another positive attribute of TIG Welding is the very low fume formation rate (FFR). The filler wire is fed and melted into the weld pool allowing a lower FFR. This procedure is different from other processes that require the fill material to pass through the arc. Since filler is fed directly to the weld pool, operating variables have little effect on the FFR. The sometimes over looked disadvantages of TIG Welding are its low speed and deposition rate which utilizes hot or cold wire feed and high heat input efficiency. By using shielding gas, these problems can be overcome. The TIG weld zone is also difficultShow MoreRelatedThree Basic Welding Methods736 Words   |  3 Pagesbasic welding methods. How could they improve their career? The three basic welding methods are TIG(Tungsten Inert Gas.) MIG(Metal Inert Gas.) And SMAW(Shielded Metal Arc Welding.) If the welder had more knowledge about the welding methods, then they could figure out which of the three can produce the most welds in a certain amount of time. TIG welding is the best, and most efficient because it can deliver more welds in a day, and reduces the cost of sales. The welding trade has new TIG welding machinesRead MoreThe Field Of Welding Technology1631 Words   |  7 PagesThe field of welding technology is one of considerably low requirements on the education spectrum while incredibly demanding on the spectrum of general know-how. Welding professionally can be seen as an easy way out for some but a profitable career for others. The typical stereotype often is true, that welders are less educated traditionally, but it does not mean that what they do is non-important. As a matter of fact, a career in welding can put you in NASA. NASA, or the National Aeronautics andRead MoreIndi The Power Of The Country908 Words   |  4 Pagesassembling, painting section, packing preservation, over speed balancing, test bed test stand, babbiting, micalastic impregnation etc. Turbo Generator, Generator exciters, motors (AC DC) 2. Block – II (Fabrication Block) Markings, welding ,Cutting, straightening, gas cutting press, , grinding, assembly, heat treatment, cleaning Shot blasting, machining, Large size fabricated assemblies/ components for power equipments fabrication of pipe coolers, painting 3. BlockRead MoreThe Work Of An Artisan Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagesround the weld protective it from alternative materials. The MIG artisan conjointly uses an outsized spool of wire for the conductor rather than a welding rod to form the weld and is usually used for objects that require a smaller more precise weld or a stronger weld. The MIG artisan is that the best to use and learn out of all the opposite welders. The TIG artisan is often used for skinny metal that reacts to higher temperatures like metal. Underwater water welders have one in every of the foremostRead MoreParametric Optimization Of Gas Metal Arc Welding1991 Words   |  8 PagesïÆ' ³ Parametric Optimization of Gas metal arc welding process by PCA based Taguchi method on Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 316L Nabendu Ghosh a, Pradip Kumar Palb, Goutam Nandic and Ramesh Rudrapatid *aPh.D student, Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, WB, INDIA b,cProfessor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, WB, INDIA dAssociate professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering and ManagementRead MoreThe Effect Of Tio2 Enriched Fluxes On Bead Geometry, Grain Size And Hardness3520 Words   |  15 Pagesinfluence of titanium oxide additions in flux on the bead geometry, grain size and hardness in submerged arc weld low alloy steel plate. Titanium oxide powders were mixed with commercial fluxes in different proportion of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5%. The welding process parameters were kept constant. Bead geometry parameters showed a significant improvement due to the titanium oxide powder addition especially the penetration. 5% of titanium oxide enrichment is showing the best result for the bead geometryRead MoreThe Importance of Welding in Our Modern World1084 Words   |  4 Pagesstatistics, reasoning, and examples of why welding is so important today in our modern world I would ask that you take a look around according to over half of our stru ctures today would cease to exist without the help of welding. The car you drive to school every day? It would be nothing without the chassis and without the chassis you have no car. How do you think manufacturers build those chassis? The skilled trade we call welding. So before I explain more in depth I wantRead MoreMig Welding962 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is MIG Welding? Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding, also sometimes called Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) is a process that was developed in the 1940s for welding aluminum and other non-ferrous metals. MIG welding is an automatic or semi-automatic process in which a wire connected to a source of direct current acts as an electrode to join two pieces of metal as it is continuously passed through a welding gun. A flow of an inert gas, originally argon, is also passed through the welding gun at the sameRead MoreWelding Research Paper1394 Words   |  6 Pages GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) is more economic; Springer reports that â€Å" GMAW is an economic process because it has higher speeds and higher deposition rates than manual arc welding. There is also no need to constantly change electrodes† ( Page 11). GMAW has a higher speed, which means that you can get the job done faster. It also has high deposition rates which makes the weld look clean and smooth.† This method can be used for a high ran ge of work, but it is not suited for repair work because ofRead MoreMajor Hazards Associated With Manual Arc Welding1927 Words   |  8 PagesP1a List and describe in detail, (with illustrations where appropriate) 5 major hazards associated with manual arc welding. Electrical ï  ¶ Make sure that when welding use are using all of the correct voltages and amperages. ï  ¶ Make sure before you start welding you are using the correct power supply and were possible use the lowest possible voltage. ï  ¶ Make sure that the correct circuit breakers are being used. ï  ¶ Before starting make sure that all electrical is up to a good standard

The Political Career of Richard Nixon free essay sample

September 1942 he was commissioned a lieutenant, Junior grade. During much of the war he served as an operations officer with the South Pacific Combat Air Transport Command, rising to the rank of lieutenant commander. After the war Nixon returned to the United States, where he was assigned to work on Navy contracts while awaiting discharge. He was working in Baltimore, Maryland, when he received a telephone call that changed his life. A Republican citizens committee in Whittier was considering Nixon as a candidate for Congress in the 12th Congressional District.In December 1945 Nixon accepted the candidacy with the remises that he would wage a fighting, rocking, socking campaign. Jerry Ivories, a Democrat who had represented the 12th District since 1936, was running for reelection. Earlier in his career Ivories had been an active Socialist. He had become more conservative over the years and was now an outspoken anti-Communist. Despite Ivories anti-Communist stand the Los Angels chapter of the left-wing Political Action Committee (PACE) endorsed him, apparently without his knowledge or approval. The theme of Onions campaign was a vote for Nixon is a vote against the Communist-dominated PACE. The approach was successful. On November, 5 1946, Richard Nixon won his first political election. The Nixon daughter Patricia (called Iatric) was born during the campaign, on February 21, 1946. Their second daughter, Julie, was born July 5, 1948. As a freshman congressman, Nixon was assigned to the Un-American Activities Committee. It was in this capacity that in August 1948 he heard the testimony of Whittaker Chambers, a self-confessed former Communist espionage agent.Chambers named Alger Hiss, a foreign policy advisor during the Roosevelt years, as an accomplice while in government service. Hiss, a former State Department aide, eked for and obtained a hearing before the committee. He made a favorable impression, and the case would then have been dropped had not Nixon urged investigation into Hisss testimony on his relationship with Chambers. The committee let Nixon pursue the case behind closed doors. He brought Chambers and Hiss face to face. Chambers produced evidence proving that Hiss had passed State Department secrets to him.Among the exhibits were rolls of microfilm which Chambers had hidden in a pumpkin on his farm near Westminster, Md. , as a precaution against theft. On December 15, 1948, a New York federal grand Jury indict d Hiss for perjury. After two trials he was convicted, on Jan. 21, 1950, and sentenced to five years in prison. The Hiss case made Nixon nationally famous. While the case was still in the courts, Nixon decided to run for the Senate. In his senatorial campaign he attacked the Harry S. Truman Administration and his opponent, Helen Ghana Douglas, for being soft toward the Communists. Nixon won the election, held on Novo. , 1950, by 680,000 votes, and at 38 he became the youngest member of the Senate. His Senate career was uneventful, and he was able to concentrate all his efforts on the upcoming 1952 presidential election. The Secret Fund Nixon did his work well. He hammered hard at three main issues the war in Korea, Communism in government, and the high cost of the Democratic partys programs. At their 1952 national convention the Republicans chose him as Eisenhower running mate, to balance the ticket with a West coast conservative. Only a few days after the young senators triumph his political career seemed doomed.The New York Post printed a story headed Secret Rich Mens Trust Fund Keeps Nixon in Style Far Beyond His Salary. The public was shocked. The Republicans were panic-stricken. Prominent members of the party urged Eisenhower o dump Nixon before it was too late. There was really nothing secret about the fund. Nixon was a man of limited means, and when he won his Senate seat a group of businessmen had publicly solicited funds to enable him to keep in touch with the voters in his home state while he served in the Senate. Nixon took his case directly to the people in a nationwide television hookup.He invited investigation of his finances and explained that no donor had asked for or received any favors. The best-remembered part of his speech was his admission that an admirer had once sent the Nixon a small cocker spaniel named Checkers. The kids love that dog, and I want to say right now that regardless of what they say, were going to keep it, he declared. The speech was a political triumph. Eisenhower asked Nixon to come to Wheeling, W. Va. , where he was campaigning. The president-to-be met his running mate at the airport with the words Dick, youre my boy. The Republicans won by a landslide. The only duties listed for the vice-president in the Constitution are to preside over the Senate and to vote if there is a tie. Eisenhower, however, groomed his vice- president for active duty. Nixon regularly attended Cabinet meetings and meetings of he National Security Council. In the absence of the president he presided over these sessions. Thus Nixon was able to assume the presidents duties when Eisenhower was incapacitated by illnessafter a major heart attack in 1955, abdominal surgery in 1956, and a mild stroke in 1957.During his eight years as vice-president Nixon made a series of goodwill tours that took him to every continent. In 1958 he faced rioting, rock-throwing mobs in Peru and Venezuela. In 1959 he engaged the Soviet Unions premier, Nikkei Khrushchev, in an impromptu debate in Moscow. In 1960 the Republican party chose its seasoned vice-president to run for the actions highest office. His running mate was Henry Cabot Lodge, Jar. , a veteran of eight years as ambassador to the United Nations. Voters turned out in record numbers. When the 68 million votes were counted John F.Kennedy had become the nations first Roman Catholic president, and Richard Nixon had lost the presidential race by the narrow margin of about 100,000 votes. Nixon got 49. 55 percent of the vote; Kennedy, 49. 71 percent. Nixon carried 26 states for a total of 219 electoral votes. Kennedy carried 22 states and received 303 electoral votes. Although defeated in 1960, Nixon reemerged as the Republican presidential candidate in 1968. For his running mate Nixon chose Spiro T. Agene, the governor of Maryland, a man little known outside his own state. The choice was a surprise to political forecasters and a disappointment to some Republicans.Nixon realized, however, that a conservative Southern candidate would have lost him badly needed big-city and liberal votes in the North and that a liberal Northern Republican would have alienated the South, which backed him solidly at the convention. Agene was a compromise choice acceptable to both the North and the South. Throughout the election campaign Nixon directed his attacks against the failures of the Democratic Administration. He deplored the growing rate of crime in the streets, called attention to the high cost and the limitations of the Democrats welfare programs, and denounced their inaction against inflation.Early in the campaign the Republican candidates announced that they would refrain from comments on the settlement of the Vietnamese conflict. The policy was adopted to prevent interference with peace negotiations begun in May between government representatives from the United States and from North Vietnam in Paris, France. Nixon emphasized his determination to curb violence in the cities. At the same time he proposed a program of increased black capitalism and of tax incentives for private investors locating in the cities.On November 5, 1968, Onions long and loyal support of his party was repaid, and he was elected the 37th president of the United States. About a month before his inauguration on Jan. 20, 1969, his younger daughter, Julie, was married to David Eisenhower, the grandson of former President Eisenhower. In his inaugural address President Nixon emphasized his determination to seek peace abroad, especially in Vietnam, and to bring about a reconciliation of the differences that divided the United States. All the men nominated by the president or Cabinet posts were approved by the Senate. William P.Rogers was Onions choice as secretary of state. David M. Kennedy became secretary of the treasury; Melvin R. Laird, the secretary of defense. Clifford M. Hardin was named the new secretary of agriculture; Walter J. Hickey, secretary of the interior; Maurice H. Stan, secretary of commerce; George P. Schultz, secretary of labor; John A. People, secretary of transportation. Robert H. Finch was designated to head the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; George Rooney, Housing and Urban Development. John N. Mitchell was appointed attorney general; Winston M. Blunt, postmaster general.The first changes in the original Cabinet were made in mid-1970. Elliot L. Richardson replaced Finch. James D. Hodge son succeeded Schultz, who became head of the Office of Management and Budget, a new agency created to replace the Bureau of the Budget. Later in 1970 Nixon dismissed Hickey, with whom he had differences, and appointed former Republican national chairman Rogers C. B. Morton in his stead. Early in 1971 John B. Connelly, Jar. , a former governor of Texas, replaced Kennedy as secretary of the treasury. When the Post Office Department was reorganized in 1971, Blunt lost his Cabinet status. Also in 1971, Earl L.Butt succeeded Hardin. Early in 1972 Mitchell resigned to head Onions reelection campaign; Deputy Attorney General Richard G. Slinkiest replaced him. Mitchell left the campaign in early July. Peter G. Peterson replaced Stan, who also resigned to work for the campaign. Schultz succeeded Connelly. Onions most important selection, perhaps, was that of a successor to retiring Chief Justice of the United States Earl Warren. The Senate approved his nominee, Warren E. Burger, a district Judge in the federal court system. He had difficulty, however, in getting Senate approval of an associate justice to fill a later vacancy on the Supreme Court.After rejecting Onions first two nomineesboth Southernersthe Senate accepted Harry A. Blackman of Minnesota, a United States court of appeals Judge. Two more Nixon nominees, William H. Rehnquist and Lewis F. Powell, were accepted as associate Justices to replace Hugo L. Black and John M. Harlan, who retired in 1971. Upon becoming president, Nixon turned his attention primarily to foreign affairs. In February 1969 he visited Belgium, England, West Germany, Italy, and France in an effort to strengthen the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). To assure non-Communist Asian nations of continued United States support, Nixon embarked in late July on a tour of the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, and South Vietnam. Nixon then visited Romania. He was the first American president to enter a Soviet-bloc nation since World War II. In the fall of 1970, to underscore United States determination to maintain peace in the Mediterranean area, Nixon traveled to Italy, Spain, and Yugoslavia, and visited the United States Sixth Fleet, stationed in the area. The tour included meetings with NATO commanders, an audience with Pope Paul VI, and visits to England and Ireland.The change in administrations had little initial effect on the Vietnam peace talks being conducted in Paris. However, in June 1969 President Nixon announced that he would begin a phased withdrawal of American forces. The first contingent of some 25,000 men returned to the United States in July. In April 1970 Nixon announced that United States troops had been sent into Cambodia to seek out and destroy North Vietnamese and Viet Congo supply bases. This extension of the war effort in Indochina aroused strong opposition. On June 29 the last United States ground troops were withdrawn from Cambodia.In 1971 and 1972 Nixon continued his efforts to Vietnamese the war. By autumn 1972, United States troop strength in Vietnam which in April 1969 had reached a peak of 543,000 menwas 32,200 men. Early in 1972 the North Vietnamese mounted an offensive against the South, which had uneven success in defending itself. In a move to cut off military supplies to Hanoi, Nixon ordered the mining of North Vietnamese ports and the bombing of overland supply routes from China. In October 1972 an accord for ending the war was reached with North Vietnam, but South Vietnamese government opposed it.Despite the continuing conflict in Vietnam, Nixon remained determined to inaugurate an era of negotiation with the Communist countries that were supporting North Vietnam. He attended summit meetings in the Peoples Republic of China in February 1972 and in the Soviet Union in May. Tensions were lessened between mainland China and the United States. With United States flags waving over the Kremlin, Nixon and his Soviet hosts signed accords that had long been in preparation. The most important agreement limited the manufacture of nuclear weapons.Plans were made also for pooling resources in space exploration and in medical and environmental research. A Joint omission was established to effect trade agreements. From the Kremlin, Nixon made a televised speech to the Soviet people. He visited Iran and Poland before returning home. In the summer of 1969 Nixon requested legislation to improve urban transportation, raise social security benefits, combat crime, and reorganize the postal service. He also urged the establishment of national minimum standards for welfare payments and the sharing of federal revenue with the states. Onions request for a multimillion-dollar naturalistic-missile defense system met with strong Congressional opposition. The 91st Congress, controlled by the Democrats, enacted a modified version of his recommendations by a narrow margin. In the fall 1970 elections the Democrats retained control of both houses of Congress. In June 1970 Nixon signed into law a bill lowering the voting age in federal elections from 21 to 18. In mid-1971 the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, extending the franchise to citizens 18 years of age in all elections, was ratified.In his January 1971 State of the Union message to Congress, Nixon outlined six sweeping proposals. He again called for the sharing of federal revenues with state and local governments. Nixon also sought a deficit federal budget designed to spur the lagging economy; the reform of welfare programs; a federal guarantee of adequate health care for all citizens; new measures to preserve natural resources; and revision of the structure of the federal government. In August 1971 Nixon imposed mandatory wage and price controls and a 10 percent import surcharge to strengthen the economy.The Nixon Administration applied pressure to encourage foreign governments to help resolve the international monetary crisis by realigning their currencies. Foreign governments, in turn, urged Nixon to devalue the dollar. This he did in December 1971, by ending the long- standing convertibility of the dollar into gold. Shortly afterward he rescinded the import surcharge. Under a Supreme Court decision of 1969, communities had been required to start busing students from one school district to another to achieve racial balance as soon as so ordered by a federal district court. Congressional approval was given in June 1972 to legislation that would delay for up to 18 months the implementation of those court orders. The bill also contained Onions program to contribute 2 billion dollars over a two-year period to communities in the process of desegregating their schools. Nixon conducted his campaign for a second term by surrogate. While he seldom left his White House office, the vice-president and other associates campaigned for him. Supporters interpreted his landslide vote as a mandate for his programs.Soon after reelection, Nixon requested the resignations of some 2,000 presidential appointees in a reorganization designed to streamline the federal bureaucracy. Nevertheless, Nixon had broken all records for presidential Cabinet appointments by mid-1974. Slinkiest resigned his Cabinet post in April 1973. He was replaced by Richardson, who was succeeded as secretary of defense by James R. Schlesinger, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the Atomic Energy Commission. In August Rogers resigned as secretary of state and was replaced by Henry A.Kissing, Onions top national security adviser. By mid-1974 Nixon had made 30 Cabinet appointments, breaking Call records for an American president. On October 10, 1973, Vice-President Agene resigned from office and was convicted in federal court on a felony charge of income tax evasion. Nixon chose Representative Gerald R. Ford of Michigan as Sinews successor, and Congress confirmed him. On January 27, 1973, a Vietnam cease-fire agreement was signed by negotiators n Paris. In March Nixon welcomed home the last American ground troops and prisoners of war from Vietnam.American military involvement continued with bombing raids over Cambodia until mid-August. In June 1973 Nixon hosted a visit from Leonie l. Brethren, general secretary of the Soviet Communist party. The two leaders signed a friendship agreement. They also instituted accords for the expansion of scientific, technical, educational, and cultural exchanges, and for accelerated negotiations to limit nuclear arsenals. In February 1973 it was revealed that the United States and the Peoples Republic f China would set up government liaison offices in Washington, D. C. , and in Beijing.In May Nixon met French President Georges Pompadour in Iceland to discuss military, political, and economic relations between the United States and its Western European allies. War erupted in the Middle East in October 1973 when Syria and Egypt attacked Israel simultaneously. United States mediation led to the disengagement of Egyptian and Israeli troops in January 1974 and of Syrian and Israeli troops in May. On a goodwill trip to the Middle East in June, Nixon visited Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, ND Jordan. To Egypt and Israel, Nixon offered aid in developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes.Later in June Nixon flew to the Soviet Union for summit talks. In his budget message and in a series of State of the Union messages to Congress early in 1973, Nixon announced the reduction of federal spending for social welfare. He asked that cities and states be granted funds in a revenue- sharing plan to take over federal programs in urban development, education, manpower, and law enforcement. In February 1973 Nixon announced his second devaluation of the dollar. Faced tit rising inflation Nixon in June ordered a 60-day freeze on all retail and wholesale prices except for raw agricultural commodities.Price controls in some form were in effect until Congress let them expire on April 30, 1974. Inflation persisted. In December 1973 Nixon had asked for Congressional review of some of his financial transactions. (Reports had been circulating about his low tax payments in proportion to his income. ) In 1974 the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation and the Internal Revenue Service found that Nixon owed more than 400,000 dollars in back taxes. A major issue at the beginning of Onions second term became known as the Watergate scandal. In June 1972, agents hired by the Committee for the Reelection of the President had been arrested while breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate apartment-office complex in Washington, D. C. Early in 1973 they were convicted of burglary and political espionage. The Senate held hearings to probe allegations of attempts by high White House officials to cover up administration involvement in the case. Several of Onions top aides resigned as they became implicated. Meanwhile, the House Judiciary Committee began an inquiry into whether he had committed impeachable offenses.On April 30, 1974, Nixon released edited transcripts of White House conversations that he felt would reassure the public of his innocence regarding the Watergate break-in and cover-up. Instead, he lost many of his supporters. The Supreme Court ordered Nixon to surrender additional White House tapes sought by the special Watergate prosecutor as evidence in criminal proceedings. Three of these recordings documented Onions personal order to cover up the Watergate break-in. The House Judiciary Committee had already voted in late July to recommend Onions impeachment. With Congressional support destroyed, Nixon chose to resign.